MEA Catalogue


Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy! 5th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

This entertaining, practical, and informative reference reviews the basics of pathophysiology including an overview of the cell and its components, such as cell division, degeneration and aging, homeostasis, disease and illness. Specific chapters address cancer, infection, immune disorders, and genetics. It provides valuable information on common disorders arranged by body system, highlighting the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, common diagnostic test findings, and current treatments. In addition, special elements found throughout the text make it easy to understand and remember key points and information. 978-1-4511-4623-3 / 544 pp / 486 illus / 2012

The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions, 2nd Edition Thomas McConnell

Easy to understand and fun to read, this, this engaging primer on the etiology and pathogenesis of human disease will help you develop a basic understanding of pathology that will set you on the path to a successful career in the health professions. Punctuated by humor, unique case studies that link pathology to real-world clinical applications, and absorbing tales from the history of medicine, this engaging book focuses on the patient as it guides you through the causes and consequences of common diseases. 978-1-6091-3369-6 / 800 pp / 2013


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