Senior Resources Southeast WI Directory
Who can be a Member of Partnership? Partnership is for people who need help with their health, med ical and long-term care needs and who are: •Frail adults, age 65 or older •18 or older with a physical or intellectual/developmental disability Individuals must also meet these requirements: • Income • Functional •Residency – Partnership is offered in certain counties in Wisconsin. Individuals must live in one of these counties How do I Become a Member of These Programs? The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) in your county will help you under stand your options along with income and other requirements, and determine if you qualify for Family Care, Partnership or another program. To learn more about ADRCs and locate one in your county, visit: www.dhs.wis
amily Care and Partnership are programs that help frail seniors and adults with disabili ties manage health and long-term care needs. Partnership also pro vides assistance with medical needs. Here’s more information about these programs. Family Care Family Care helps you coordi nate your long-term care needs. All Family Care members are part of a care team. Your care team includes you, a care manag er and a registered nurse. • Together you will discuss what your goals are, assess your abilities and needs, and name your outcomes. • The team creates a plan just for you to support your long term care needs. • The plan includes items in the Family Care benefit plan plus other natural supports that will help you achieve your outcomes. • The care manager and regis tered nurse stay in contact with you to ensure all parts of the care plan are working well, and make changes if necessary. Who can be a Member of Family Care? Family Care is for people who need help with long-term care and who are: •Frail adults, age 65 or older •18 or older with physical dis abilities •18 or older with intellectual disabilities
Individuals must also meet these requirements: •Income • Functional •Residency – Family Care is offered in certain counties in Wisconsin. Individuals must live in one of these counties Partnership Partnership helps you coordi nate your health, medical and long-term care needs. All Partnership members are part of a care team. •Together you will discuss your goals, assess your abil ities and needs, and name your outcomes. •The team creates a plan just for you to support your health, medical, and long term care needs. •The plan includes items in the Partnership benefit plan plus other natural supports that will help you achieve your outcomes. •The care team works with you to coordinate all cov ered health services. This means they will check with your providers to see how care is going and help man age special services such as X-rays, tests, and any fol low-up care.
8 | S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S 2024
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