Alcala Yearbook 2005

Mi Reina, Congratulation on completing your college education. You are an amazing daughter and we are proud of your accompli h– ment . Our love and encouragement are with you a you embark on your next challenge. We know that "twenty year from now you will be more di appointed by the things you didn 't do than by the one you cl id. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the afe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your ail . Explore. Dream. Di cover. " Mark Twain ... happy sailing Love, Mom, Dad & Y ur Si ter

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You were a winner then, and you are still a winner now! I love you and am so proud of you.



Congratulations on your graduation from the University of San Diego. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad

Congratulation Matt!! You have your whole life ahead of you and we are o proud of you!

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