Speak Out April 2016

In Focus - Aged care

Aged Care resources for members Speech Pathology Australia has a commitment to the area of Aged Care and has extensive resources available to support members interested in Aged Care. CPD in aged care SPA CPD workshops and online events are offered in the area of aged care. Workshops are listed on the SPA website and are updated regularly: www.speechpathologyaustralia. org.au/spa-news-and-events/continuing-professional- development-events-cpd/cpd-events-branch-activities Recordings of CPD live online events related to speech pathology in aged care are available. In September 2015 Dr Michelle Bennett presented Understanding person-centred and enablement models of care to build opportunity for speech pathology services for older people. You can view a five minute preview of the recording of this event. (Available to register to view in full until 21 September 2016 at: www.cpdlive.com/speechpath/ recordings/index.html) The SPA CPD Events Library contains recordings of events related to aged care for hire for members only. www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/resources/cpd- events-library Aged care member community SPA has a dedicated member community in the area of ageing and aged care for SPA members only. This network is comprised of SPA members who are interested in advancing speech pathology services in the aged care sector. For further information and/or to join this community, please go to: www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/information-for- members/member-communities

SPA Aged care position statement SPA has a Position Statement in the area of Aged Care - Speech Pathologists Working with Older People (2015) This position statement has been developed to improve understanding of the role of speech pathologists in working with older people. This document serves as a guide to the roles and responsibilities of speech pathologists working with older people with additional communication, swallowing, and/ or mealtime support needs across health, community, and residential aged care settings. www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/publications/ position-statements Further reading about aged care SPA publications including JCPSLP and the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology have had articles and issues focused on the area of aged care. JCPSLP is the major clinical publication of the Association and provides a professional forum for members of the Association. The International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (IJSLP) is an international journal which is the main academic publication of the Association. The second edition of JCPSLP in 2015 (Volume 17, Issue 2) was dedicated to aged care. The edition presented a collection of reviews, clinical insights, and research articles that focus primarily on the opportunities and challenges for speech pathologists in aged care.


Speak Out April 2016


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