Speak Out April 2016

Spotlight on professional support

Prompt, clear and open communication, and respect, are imperative for a successful mentoring partnership...

2015 Mentoring Partnerships

International 1

Northern Territory 2

Queensland 17


New South Wales 23

Tasmania 1 Western Australia 9

South Australia 6

Victoria 17

Mentoring program evaluation

A big thank you to those who responded to the evaluation survey. We do value your feedback and are always open to suggestions of how the program can be improved. From the feedback we received, the instances where the experience was not positive were due to participants not following the steps outlined on the Mentoring Page and in the Mentoring Guide. Or, they hadn't clearly expressed and negotiated their expectations from the outset. Prompt, clear and open communication, and respect, are imperative for a successful mentoring partnership and how you are perceived as a professional in general. Certainly those having negative experiences in the program are few and far between and most participants whether mentees or mentors report many benefits of their involvement. If anyone would like a copy of the full survey results, please contact Meredith Prain, psa@speechpathologyaustralia.org. au

The results are in and feedback on the Mentoring Program 2014/2015 which was revised at the start of 2014 is overall very positive. Thirty four members responded to the evaluation survey and it is pleasing to see that 94% of respondents reported it being easy to find a suitable match given that the matching process is now mentee driven, and 94% said they would recommend the Mentoring Program to others. The most common frequency of contact between mentee and mentor is every three to four weeks (29%), followed by every five to six weeks (26%) , 35% of partnerships are lasting longer than 12 months ,with 29% lasting 9 – 12 months, and the most common mode of contact is via phone (50%), followed by face to face (20%). Mentoring was found to be of value by participants in terms of their job satisfaction (94%), it expanded professional networks (76%), provided clinical support and professional support (67% each ), and provided personal support (66%). 76% of respondents found the revised Mentoring Guide to be a useful resource.

Meredith Prain Professional Support Adviso r


Speak Out April 2016

Speech Pathology Australia

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