Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life

code of conduct, my code of appearance and my code of ethics. This is where racism, bigotry and elitism thrive. Is it any wonder why so many have rejected religion that looks like this? Bill Johnson says, "Religion is form without power." This is an accurate description. When people go through all the motions of being good without the power to do it, they have to cover up for themselves. What separates Christianity from other religions is a living Savior. He died to pay the blood penalty for our sins, but he also rose again in the power of the Holy Spirit. The invitation is for us to die to ourselves, recognizing our efforts to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps are hopeless. If we will surrender in this way, the power of the Holy Spirit will resurrect us into a new way of life. It is how Jesus makes a covering for us. This is how we enter into Graceland. Those who allow God to make a covering for them can rest in His work. I can start everyday knowing I am loved unconditionally before I do a thing. The work that I do, flows from a love relationship, not a sense of duty. The religious start their day with a deficit, hoping they can do enough to evoke God's favor. Let God do the work for you. He is the only one who has the power to make us good! Reject religion and embrace a living relationship!!


Take some time to soak in His presence today. Open you heart to communicate your love for Him and wait for Him to reply. It is relationship, not religious practices that transform.

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