EOW March 2014

wire 2014 show

7 th - 11 th April

Thanks to its automatic regrinding of polishing needle, automatic suspension supply and die storage, the machine is able to operate non-stop without sta . Beside the reworking machines, there will also be a display of the Bremer tool programme, such as PKD and natural diamond dies, as well tungsten carbide dies and a new development of pressure dies.

SheathEx production line from BWE

developments/applications for this and other extrusion machines in the range. Conform™ and Conklad™ are well- established continuous extrusion tech- nologies in the non-ferrous, cable and tube industries. Typical applications include copper and aluminium rectan- gular wire (magnet wire for trans- formers), solid aluminium conductor (SAC for cables), copper bus bar, trolley wire and other shaped conductors, AS wire, OPGW, CATV, composite core, round refrigeration tube, multiport or PFC tubes in di erent alloys. SheathEx™ is fast becoming the new alternative to ‘seamless’ aluminium sheathing of high voltage cables. With several lines in full production including one in Europe, its customers are

Willi Bremer GmbH – Germany Website : www.bremer-willi.de

Energy savings from Bow Technology

➣➢➣ With more than 500 designs for all brands of double twist machines, Bow Technology o ers a global service from conception to production, taking advantage of long-lasting experience and high-quality components. BowTechnology – France Website : www.bowtechnology.com

BWE Stand: 11F26

BWE Ltd is a British engineering company specialising in continuous extrusion machines and cold pressure welders for many di erent applications in the non-ferrous metal and cable and wire industry. The company continues to innovate and develop new machines for new applications, which is a key to its success. BWE will be launching a brand new machine at wire 2014 and sta will be on hand to discuss and present new

Willi Bremer Stand: 10A63

Willi Bremer is going to display the newly developed Kpm4AC fully automatic tungsten carbide die cone reworking machine in the range from 0.5-8mm.




March 2014

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