EOW March 2014

wire 2014 show

7-11 April

At this year’s show it will be exhibiting two of the Ultimat UMW models with automatic butt welding. An Ultimat UMW-65 suitable for a range of 2-8mm used extensively by manufacturers of point of purchase displays and super- market shelving, etc. Also on show will be the smaller Ultimat UMW-45, suitable for a range of 2-5mm and used by manufacturers of lampshades, automotive components and air ltration products. This machine will also be tted with a FUS Frame Unloading System for unloading and stacking nished products. All Ultimat models feature a closed die forming and cutting system, giving a high quality square, burr-free cut and butt weld. Options available include secondary bend heads, press tools, drilling, threading and chamfering stations, and automatic part unloading systems. Models available are for a wire range from 2 to 160mm. Ultimate Automation Ltd – UK Website : www.ultimat.com The original Upcast® continuous casting technology allows e cient casting of top quality copper and copper alloy rod. It is a simple process with easy operation through an advanced control system, with reliability built on 40 years of consistent development work, operational experience and customer service. There is a wide range of alloyed coppers and copper alloys that can be cast with Upcast®. These include, for example, silver bearing and phosphor-deoxidised coppers, brasses and bronzes; copper magnesium may also become part of the range soon. As new applications for copper alloys are being developed and new types of copper alloys emerge, the utilisation of Upcast® technology within the copper alloys eld is rapidly increasing. Upcast® rod production lines are of modular design. Both single and double furnace con gurations are possible. With a double-furnace con guration – having separate melting and casting furnaces – it is possible to reach 40,000tpa output, while 12,000tpa is possible for a single-furnace con guration. A wide capacity range both in single- and double-furnace con gurations is available with unique upgradeability. cast simultaneously by easily adjusting output and product mix according to market Di erent rod sizes can be Upcast Stand: 09C06

Cost e cient solution from Upcast

demands. Upcast® lines are extremely exible and always tailor-made to match the needs of each speci c customer. If scrap – clean and dry – will form a signi cant part of the input material then a double-furnace con guration should be the preferred choice. The majority of delivered UPCAST® lines are for Cu-OF rod. The most common cast rod diameter is 8mm which is the standard size within the cable and wire industry. Rods with bigger diameters are used for manufacturing a variety of products, eg bus-bars, trolley wires, electroplating anodes, etc. Upcast® Cu-OF rod is well-suited for all electrical applications and has become the preferred feedstock especially for: • ne and multi-wire drawing where ductility requirements are most demanding • enamel wire production where surface nish is of utmost importance • continuous rotary extrusion where tool wear rate is a crucial factor Absence of harmful emissions and need for waste treatment reduces the environmental footprint of Upcast® casting lines. In addition to the small environmental footprint other Upcast® GreenerCAST characteristics are clear: low lifecycle costs, easy variation of output, use of scrap in the process and unique upgradability. Upcast OY – Finland Website : www.upcast.com On display at the Videx stand will be a range of machinery: A fully automatic bent bolt machine from coil, model VAS-10-BH, for the production of stainless steel isolation studs for the housing industry. The machine pulls the wire from coil, straightens it, cuts to length, thread rolls and bends to shape. It is equipped with a separation and packaging system for packing a preset number of nished parts. ➣➢➣ Videx Machinery Stand: 15A47


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March 2014

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