

IPA Membership helps make a holiday of a lifetime Alan & Pam Dobson , Cambridgeshire Branch In February, we booked a trip of a lifetime to San Francisco, followed by a cruise to New Zealand, meeting IPA friends on the way. W e were met at San Francisco airport by Rich Seguine , of San Francisco Branch. This local contact was most welcome after our long flight from the UK and a two hour queue through US Customs. Rich drove us to our hotel, and showed us the sights of the city during our three day stay in his city. A visit to Alcatraz is a must for any tourist.

Christchurch Cathedral earth quake damage

Our tour of NZ finished in Christchurch, which was still recovering from the devastating earth quake of 2011, which demolished 80% of the buildings in the city centre. We left two days before the terrorist shooting at Christchurch mosque. We found the Kiwis to be very resilient and are sure they will in time, overcome this outrage. I felt strong links between the UK, the USA and NZ, with familiar policing issues across the countries we visited. Thanks to Cathy KEY (IPA Member Services) for making contact with IPA members in the US and NZ and paving the way with the travel forms. We really appreciated the benefits of being an I.P.A. member.

Rich Sequine (right)

Rich was with us until we left America, driving us to embark on our cruise to New Zealand. During our cruise, we also visited Honolulu, Tonga and Samoa. At New Zealand, we were met In Auckland by Rod Salt, who drove around the attractions of the city and then to North Shore Police Station. Here, we met with former Met Officer Billy Lawrence, who grew up not five miles from where we live in West Sussex. We were given a tour of the police station, which appeared very familiar.

SFPD squad car

Billy Lawrence (left) and Rod Salt (right) North Shore

POLICE WORLD Vol 64 No.4, 2019


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