Alcalá View 1981 2.7

Page 4 - Alcala View - May, 1981

E.JANE VIA (continued from Pg. 2) . As ked how she sees th e ro le of reli gious stu dies in a liberal art s ed u– ca ti o n, Jane repli ed t hat it is an essential part o f hi ghe r edu cati o n w hether o r not on a Chri sti an campu s. " Religion is histo ri ca ll y and cu lturally a pervas iv e aspec t o f to tal human ex peri ence. It has had an enormous impact on th e develop– ment o f th e W es tern wo rl d, and eve n today we are see ing that most apparently politi ca l crises have rel igious d imensions. Th e mos t im po rt ant th ing I stri ve fo r in my classes is to co nvey th e com– plemen tarit y of religio ns. especia ll y of Christ ianity and Judaism-a long wi th a to lera nce and apprecia ti o n fo r th e va ri eti es of religious expe rience." Jane V ia came to San D iego fo r two reaso ns: to teac h at USD and to enjoy th e Ca lifo rn ia sun after a lifetim e in her nat ive Mid-Wes t. Hu nd reds of USD students are grat efu l for he r decisio n. TH E LAST METRO. One of the great unsung pleasures of lifp is to fall asleep in public. Ranking high among tht' ~uaran teed methods fo r public sleepin g, third only to Wagrwrian opera and long. nasal homiletics from tlw pulpit, are pri ze-w inning "serious" French film s. This particular French film is directed, if one is to believe th e credit s, by Franco is Truffaut, who s!'ern , bent on proving that his reach exceeds his grasp; tars Ice Queen Catherin e Den euve. who can't act her way out of an unleavened croissa nt; and shamelessly exposes a supportin g cast that mu st have graduated from th e Vi chy School of Auto MPchanics. It's ensemble work at its purest: everyone is equally sornnambulent, including the screen-

How would you like to be treated to a DINNER as well as a MOVIE, if you're the winner of the contest? You still have until the end of M ay to submit your entry_ REMEM BER - it doesn 't have to be restaurant s, it can be interesting places to visi t, things to do, items for sale or items wanted_ Don't forget to send your entry to Fran Swank, Controller' s Offi ce, and PLEASE PR I NT you r name. Enter as often as you have items for ou r col umn . CORRECTION Jul io's is loca ted at Uni versity and 45th Street. M ISIONO, 54 51 Kearn ey Villa Road (Clairemo nt Mesa at Hwy. 163) . Excellent food, moderate price. THE FI REHOU SE DELI, 722 Grand Ave., P.B. Delicious sa ndwiches & salad bar. M ed. prices. Choi ce of inside or upstairs patio dinin g. Tasty margari tas & appetize rs. CLAY'STEXAS BA R-B-Q, b23 Pearl, L.J. Comfortab le atmosp here, exce l. rihs. sandwiches, beer AND pri ces. A DO NG, Park Ave .. 'h block outh of U nive rsity (across from Capri Theater). Ex cellent VietnanlC',e food at ve ry reasonable pri ces. MARI NE RO OM, 2000 Spindrift Dr. (by La Jol la Beach & Tenni s Club). Rese rvations reqHirecl. Moel. expensive; good food. oceanfront seating.

The Depart ment of Continuing Edu ca tion is sponsoring a workshop," Self De fense with Mace." Th e wo rkshop wil l show parti cipants how to prevent an atta ck on thei r person. protect their property,and defend themselves w ith the use of mace. Th e work– shop will be held on May 1 bin Salomon Hall and wil l be cond ucted by Sergeant Rick Michelson from th e Crim e Prevention Unit of the San Diego Police Department. Th e fee for th e workshop is S35.00 wh ich includes a ca ni st er of mace and a ce rtificate to carry and use it. (The fee for parti cipants under 18 is S 10.00, which does not include issuance of mace, prohibited to m inors.) Pre-registrat ion is required. Conta ct the Departm en t of Continuing Edu ca tion if you are interested in this program. Class siu is limited to 50 participant s.

The Jaundiced Eye ~®@®®®@®®®®@@@@®®®®®® @@®@®®®®®®®®® Films Reviewed by Sandra Edelman

wri ters, w ho had a wonderfu l idea but didn't know what to do w ith it. As if anticipati ng a noddi ng audience, Tru ffault heaps insult upon in sul t by trying to beef things up with some cinema ti c tri cks I had thought went out w ith th e w imple-e.g., spooky music w hen the Na,is are arou nd. Why films of this inferiority command such attent ion, and w hy they are so often French, is a tantalizing mystery of the cu rrent human condition-one of my favorites, along with the recurrent inexplicable appearance of unmated shoes on th e freeway. But if you're in to low-cost public sleeping, The la st Me tro will give yo u a fi ne uninterrupted snoo,c at S 1.5 7 an hour.

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S.E.A. Notes Staff Employee A ssocation ~

SPEC IA L 130ARD MEETI NG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1981 , 2 p.m ., Serra Hal l Conference Room. All Boa rd members are urged to attend.

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Th e Alca la View is published nine times per year by th e Personnel Department of USO. Editorial Board: Lorraine Watson , Sandra Edelman.Jan Chlarson, Sue Howell, Fran Swank, Joan Murry. Production: Linda Ash, Tri cia Pri by. Photography: Sandra Edelman. Overall con tent of the newsletter is determ ined by th e Ed itorial Board,w hich holds open meeti ngs each month. Articles w ritte n express th e opinions of the author. We welcome contributions. The Editor reserves the right to ed it copy for space and content.

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