1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie


The Bon 'Vivant's Companion

GRAHAM COCKTAIL M jigger fernet Branca H jigger Martini Russie vermouth y% glass of ice Stir, strain and serve in cocktail glass.

GREEN SWIZZLE 1 wineglass bitters

1 teaspoonful Falurnam Dash of orange bitters Crushed ice All mixed together and swizzled Dash of Angostura on top.

HALCYON COCKTAIL jigger gin 3^ jigger Italian vermouth 1 lime 1 raw egg 2 tablespoonfuls grenadine Well frapped. (I7?\ HUNTER COCKTAIL M jigger rye whiskey 34 jigger cherry brandy Fill glass with ice. Stir, strain, and serve with lemon peel.

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