2017-18 HSC Section 4 Green Book

C. Laser therapy for rejuvenation Britt CJ, Marcus B. Energy-based facial rejuvenation: advances in diagnosis and treatment. JAMA Facial Plast Surg . 2017; 19(1):64-71. EBM level 5........42-49 Summary : This article provides an overview of the current literature on all energy-based facial rejuvenation therapies with an emphasis on the expanding role of nonsurgical options. It gives a detailed description of the current uses and the advantages and the limitations of each modality. Wu DC, Fitzpatrick RE. Facial rejuvenation via the sequential combined use of multiple laser modalities: safety and efficacy. Lasers Surg Med . 2016; 48(6):577-583. EBM level 4...........................................................................50-56 Summary : This article discusses the combined use of ablative and nonablative laser therapies in a single treatment session. The authors emphasize the ability of this technique to address a multitude of facial aging signs including telangiectasia, dyschromia, superficial to moderate rhytids, and textural abnormalities. Furthermore, the article suggests increased patient satisfaction without prolonged recovery using this method. D. Fillers and chemodenervation Al-Haddab M, Abduljabbar A, Al-Somaily A. The sterility of partially used hyaluronic acid fillers after long storage. Dermatol Surg . 2017; 43(7):967-970. EBM level 4.....................................................................................................57-60 Beleznay K, Carruthers JD, Humphrey S, Jones D. Avoiding and treating blindness from fillers: a review of the world literature. Dermatol Surg . 2015; 41(10):1097-1117. EBM level 4.....................................................................61-81 Summary : This paper extensively reviews all the published cases to date of blindness associated with filler administration and examines the key points related to avoidance and management. Scheuer JF 3rd, Sieber DA, Pezeshk RA, et al. Anatomy of the facial danger zones: maximizing safety during soft-tissue filler injections. Plast Reconstr Surg . 2017; 139(1):50e-58e. EBM level 4....................................................82-90 Summary : A detailed description of the facial vascular anatomy is provided in this article as it relates to the six most dangerous areas for filler injection. Technique principles in these “danger zones” are also reviewed in an effort to minimize devastating complications after filler injection. Summary : This paper examines the microbiological profile of partially used syringes of hyaluronic acid filler and offers recommendations for best practices.

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