FBINAA.ORG | Q1 2024

Kimberly Castillo

I ’ve had the privilege of serving in the National Academy Unit working Daily Operations for the past year and a half. I truly have the best job in the world – getting a front row seat to wel come each NA session and see the bonds that grow from arrival through graduation. It’s really hard to describe the magic that happens to an outsider asking what the National Academy is all about. My go-to NA explanation is, “The FBI hosts 200 of the top one percent of state, local, federal, and international law enforcement execu tives for ten weeks at the FBI Academy. NA focuses on three core components: academics, physical fitness and wellness, and networking/knowledge sharing.” During my spiel, I always get excited and have to share how I’ve watched as iron sharpens iron each session as our world class instructors pour into their class blocks. I share that I’ve witnessed friendships that have devel oped into tighter bonds than brothers and sisters, and I’ve seen many a lifelong memory be made. I most love to see NA students who really lean in and allow themselves to be transformed by their time at NA, especially when they embrace the physical fitness challenges and decide that after years of putting work and the very heavy loads they carry for their communities first, that it’s time to make their health and physical fitness a prior ity. I have teared up at every graduation I’ve attended for three reasons: 1) I’m thankful that nothing went off the rails; 2) I’m overwhelmingly grateful for the men and women from around the globe in attendance at the NA; and 3) I am so proud of the NAU staff, field counselors, and instructors for the hard work they do behind the scenes each session. NA Session 288 had an incredible moment that those who witnessed will never forget. In Session NA 287 we started using a local race company to chip time the 8-week Yellow Brick Road mile qualifying run. We had no idea at the time that it would enable us to capture a historic event. On Wednesday, November 15th, 2023,

Captain Drake Sterling , Zionsville Police Department, Zionsville, Ind., broke the National Academy record with a mile run time of 4 minutes 49:58 seconds! The excitement on the track was electric with all the NA 288 students and staff screaming and cheering for Drake. It was inspiring, and we say, “CONGRATULATIONS and WAY TO GO, Drake!” The previous NA mile record was 5:02 set in NA Session 277 by Lt. Colin Sweeney , New York State Police. As we start this new year, I hope you will reflect on what be ing an NA graduate means to you. Reach out to some of your class mates and fellow NA grads, plan a get together, and recommit to getting or staying active in your FBINAA Chapter. Let’s start making travel plans for the family reunion at the FBINAA Conference in Kansas City this summer. If you have a story about how the NA changed you or a case that was solved through the NA network, we would love to hear from you at

Joining you in Service,

Kimberly Castillo Acting Unit Chief, FBI National Academy


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