SWEP Sustainability Report 2020
Dealing with unprecedented events Health, safety and well-being
In Malaysia, for example, compulsory temperature screening and health checks are conducted daily for employees and visitors. At our Slovakia plant, two week-long programs of workshops promoted mental health awareness and helped employees to maintain their physical and emotional energy levels. In Tulsa, warehouse space was converting into meeting and break areas to ensure social distancing, while in China daily safety status reports were gathered to gauge the effectiveness of COVID-19 protocols.
Health and safety at SWEP has – like so many other parts of our lives – been dominated by the outbreak and spread of COVID-19. It’s been a year when, perhaps more than ever, protecting the wellbeing of our colleagues has been fundamental. In March, very early in the pandemic, DOVER and SWEP established a multi-tier system for mitigating the impact of the crisis. Response teams were put together at corporate, executive and local levels, to devise and implement the processes and procedures needed to keep everyone safe. This structure allowed for effective communication between the boardroom, the shop-floor and everything in-between. Information sharing was continuous, covering instructions, training, monitoring and reporting, which ensured a high level of awareness throughout the organization. One of the key benefits of this approach has been that we have been able to provide guidance on many crucial issues – from country-specific legal requirements to remote work policies, employment considerations and childcare – while also seeing a
clear picture of how the pandemic and our response have impacted on our employees throughout the world. We’re proud of the way that all our sites have responded to the crisis, and how they have supported the physical and mental health of our employees. All sites have implemented thorough, country- specific plans and in many cases taken additional steps to protect their workforce and their communities.
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