
political economy and economic development and focuses particularly on gendered aspects of development in South Asia. Statistics from the World Economic Forum, United Nations, and Oxfam reveal widespread gender discrimination with respect to prosperity and wealth. These studies reveal that women, globally, are doing more work than men that remains uncompensated and unrecognized. A recent report from the New York Times explains that women spend four and a half hours per day on unpaid labor outside of the workforce, while in contrast, men on average spend less than half that time on such work. Men’s contributions, therefore, remain more visible in calculation of economic growth, while a large proportion of women’s work tends to not be recognized as work despite contributing to economic well-being. These numbers are substantially higher in the developing world; for instance, in India, women’s unpaid labor takes up an estimated six hours per day. Prominent figures like Melinda French Gates have sought to bring this issue to

Studies reveal that women, globally, are doing more work than men that remains uncompensated and unrecognized.

public attention. In her recent book, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World , French Gates explains that, on average, women worldwide spend more than double the hours as men on unpaid labor, and that women in the developing world are at a particular disadvantage. “One of the biggest contributions of feminist economics is its ability to highlight that there are parts of

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