
“We are at a moment where memorials and histories are being re-evaluated and reconsidered in significant ways. Art can play a crucial

images a ghostly appearance. Matthew says this display drew the most attention in her Newport show. “I think there is a mysterious quality to the crystal images,” she says, reflecting on the reaction. “The immersive installation also includes audio that allows the viewer to connect with the personal stories and empathize with them.” Matthew sees her work as another way of awakening people to a breadth of global histories that may otherwise be lost. “We are at a moment where memorials and histories are being re-evaluated and reconsidered in significant ways,” she says. “Art can play a crucial role in shaping remembrance. By pulling back the veil on forgotten histories, my objective is to leverage visual media to elevate this narrative and integrate it into our shared historical and cultural legacy.”

role in shaping remembrance.”

- Annu Palakunnathu Matthew

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