
“The body of expertise here is broad and really supportive, and I never would have embarked on this type of research project if I had not been here at URI, with the support of my colleagues affiliated with the COLAB.”

- Jaime Ross

From left to right, Assistant Professor Jaime Ross, undergraduate student Danielle Burge, and undergraduate student Kristen Harder.

In addition, Ross says her team would likely work with faculty from institutions such as Harvard University and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden to receive key test tissues and analyze results of experiments. If she receives funding, Ross also plans to hire a postdoctoral researcher to support this work and ensure that students are included throughout the process.

Ross describes the support she has from URI faculty and staff leading up to this submission as exceptional. “The body of expertise here is broad and really supportive, and I never would have embarked on this type of research project if I had not been here at URI, with the support of my colleagues affiliated with the COLAB,” Ross says.

SPRING | 2022 Page 49

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