JAVS Summer 2023

Footnotes: 1 Thomas Tatton, “A Gentleman and a Scholar: an Interview with Tom Hall, part I,” The Journal of the American Viola Society , vol.29 summer edition 2013: 64-72; Thomas Tatton, “A Gentleman and a Scholar: an Interview with Tom Hall, part II,” The Journal of the American Viola Society , vol.29 no.2, Fall 2013: 67-76. 2 A friend told me he snickered at this “ridiculously long name.” 3 Easily accessible via the AVS Website.

in all—can be accessed through PIVA and many are available through the AVS website. During retirement, this piqued Tom’s interests and satisfied his creative instincts; and we’re all the better for it! If you are fortunate enough to have studied with Dr. Hall, or perhaps were a colleague in some capacity or another, or simply met Tom Hall, this “In Memoriam” will help keep Tom in your heart. If you were not so fortunate and you want to know more about this remarkable man, I suggest you read the two-part article referenced in the footnotes. Another approach would be to go back in JAVS between 1988 and 1999 and read his articles and reviews. 3 You will certainly learn something about Thomas Hall and about our viola and the people who play it, while reading some remarkably skilled and interesting writing.

Dr. Thomas Hall, a Gentleman and a Scholar.

- Contributed by his dear friend, Thomas Tatton


Journal of the American Viola Society / Vol. 39, Summer 2023 Online Issue

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