U Magazine, Winter 1987
Glass .. . Martha (Banghart) Foltz , is an allergy physician·s assistant in Seattle, Wash. She h as her private pilots license and is a member of 99's International Women 's Pilots Association.. . Kathleen (Easler) Liuzzi recently relocated to the Seattle area where she started her own accou nting and financial management services company for small and medium– part-time law clerk and currently in her fourth year at WSU College of Law. She anticipates graduating in December, 1987... Rebecca Schmitz is a teacher at Meadows Elementary School in Washington. She is thoroughly enjoying the beautiful Northwest, cross-country s kiing, glacier travel and water spor ts. She received the Outstanding Alumna award from the School of Education in 1983-84. 1978 Chris and Jackson '71 Muecke are the proud parents of Meredith Ann, born November 10, 1986. Meredith has a "'big" brother and "big" sister. .. Stephen Weiss controller of New CenturyNista, a film distribution company.. . Robin Huffine is now Mrs. Donald Kruk. They reside in Tustin, Calif. 1979 Gaylene (Stickney) Eisenach is the proud mother of Steven, who was born April 13, 1986... Cathie Ellenbeck recently married a capta in in the Navy and has three beautiful daughters . .. Kris Sorenson has been promoted to the Naval Medical Department headquarters in Washington,D.C.. . Mary (Roberson) Pierson is presently employed with the San Diego regional sheriffs crime laboratory as a forensic chemist. Last summer she was selected by the American Academy of Forensic Science to be a member of the Delegation of Forensic Specialists who participated in a technical exchange which took place in the People's Republic of China. 1980 Jessie (Walsh) White works for U.S. Senator Barbara Vu canovick. She lives in Las Vegas .. .Michelle Squires married Camilo Largaespada-Beer on July 28. She recently completed studies in Maritime Administration at the World Maritime University in Sweden. .. Candy (Valente) Blough married Douglas Blough in 1982. They have a daughter, Amber Leigh, one, and are awaiting their second child. They now reside in Sudbury, Mass. and would love to hear from long lost friends from the classes of sized corporations. She and her husband, James , have four chil- dren.. . Donna Lynn McLean is a will begin practice on July 1 as an obstetri cian/gynecologist. .. David Newlon was recently promoted to
Chastity, and Obedience. ".. . Sister Maria de los Angeles Correa Reyes is secretary general with the Sisters of Mercy of the Blessed Sacrament in Mexico, D.F. She publis h ed a book on the life of the Mother Foundress of the order and won a trip to the Holy Land in 1985. She has traveled to Central, South and North America; and h as been to Europe twice, visiting Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Holland and France. 1973 G. Franklin Elrod and his wife , Jennifer, reside in the Piedmont region of South Carolina where Dr. Elrod is on the faculty of th e College of Education at Clemson University.. . Manley Bland has been elected president of the Carlsbad Board of Realtors. 1974 Sharon Bollinger was recently elected to th e Wyoming Council on Humanities. 1975 Peggy (Hoffman) Perry and husband Robert announce the birth of their second child, Tyler Burnett Perry, born August 12, 1986.. .ChristinaParsons has been appointed to the Monterey County Child Abuse Prevention Coor– dinating Council. She is working part-time for Stanford University's Health Promotion Resource Center, part-time for the Monterey BayAquarium and writing her second book. 1976 Steven Laaperi is principal of Sacred Heart School in Coronado. He and his wife are expecting their third child.. . Jonathan Trick is married and resides in Houston, Texas. He is in corporate health promotion with Conoco, Inc. 1977 Kimberly (Gaouette) Groupe is the proud mother of Courtney, who was born June 30, 1986... Carmen Escamilla is a head counselor for San Diego city schools , currently on parental leave. She and her successful artist husband, Rich Duffy, are the happy parents of a one-year-old daughter, Monica.. . Rose (Graf) Langen is employed at USD's Copley Library in the periodicals department. Rose is a widow, has seven married children and 20 grandchildren ages 1 to 24.. . Terri (Ketchum) D'Ac– quisto is special assistant to the vice president at USO, working with special projects. Terri is also publicity chairman, Alumnae Association of the Sacred Heart "86 and '87...Tim Brundige and Joan Marie (Giles) Brundige live in Diamond Bar, Calif. with their four children. Tim is president of Brundige National Auto
Connie and Patty are involved in PTA and volunteer work. They plan to begin substitute teaching soon. Their daughters attended a USO tennis camp and loved it and USD ... Dennis Dunne is the proud fath er of Brian - boy number six. He was born on New Year's Eve 1986.. . Walter Johnston Jr. was installed as president of the San Diego chapter of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Association at a dinner-dance on October 10, 1986. Walt is president of Teague Insurance Agency Inc., La Mesa. He has served as chairman of the ch apter's education committee, on the state association·s education committee, and is a member of the San Diego Community College District's insurance curriculum committee. He h as been selected as one of 11 agents to serve on the National Producers Council. Johnston is a former president of the USO Alumni Association. He lives in San Carlos with his wife, Rosemary, and their four children . Ministry at USO... William Kinney has recently been appointed city treasurer for Cedar Rapids, Iowa after serving 12 years as the city's assistant controller-auditor. He received his MPA from Iowa State University in May 1985. 1971 Anne Glowak is director/cou nselor with The La Jolla Wellness Center. She also recently obtained a real estate license. In 1984 she spent on e month in the USSR She traveled on th e Trans-Siberian railroad, visited the Ukraine and spent time in Kiev, Ternopal and Lvov. She was able to visit some of her family sou th of Ternopal whom sh e h ad never met. 1972 Leon Bowens is a budget analyst with the Department of the Navy. He and his wife were married in October '86 and reside in Arlington, Va. Leon was a Peace Corps volunteer in Brazil from 1973- 76.. . Margaret (Burges) Cardwell is an information services librarian at Rhodes College. She is active in Girl Scou ts with her two daughters. The family resides in Tennessee.. . Kevin Gallagher and wife Patty(Ragen) Gallagher '73, live in Spring Valley, Calif. with their two children. Kevin is a vice president at California First Bank.. . Michael Hallis an obstetrician/gynecologist in Denver, Mercardante Jr. is a dentist in Los Altos, Calif. He is also a producer and freelance writer. He produced and directed a documentary film , "Joie De Cajun.·· He also wrote a screenplay, "Poverty , Colo. He and his wife have three children - 10. 8 and 4 ... Joseph 1969 Mary Ellen (Easterling) Pitard is program coordinator in Campu s
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