(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3116 舟山群島 Chu Shan Island ​

Since the liberation of Chekiang mainland, about 60000 KMT soldiers retreated to Chu Shan Islands. PLA started the attack in August 1949 and occupied most of the outskirt islands by October. With KMT military withdrawing from Ting Hai the main island in mid May 1950, the entire Chu Shan islands were liberated on 18th May 1950.​ 自浙江解放後,國民政府6萬退守舟山群島,解放軍自49年8月開始進攻,十月己佔領大部份外圍島嶼,50年五月中旬, 國軍全部撤離,舟山群島於50年5月18日全面解放。​ ​ The Hong Kong Asiatic airmail Unit stamp is franked with Dayshan cds 19th May 1950. (liberated on 18th May)​ 香港亞洲版航空單位票,上蓋岱山50.05.19 郵戳(50.05.18 解放)​ HK$ 2,200 - 2,500


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