(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy

1950年2月1日之前的國際航郵封 International Airmail before 1 February 1950

Although airmail service started to diminish early 1949, airmail letters with Silver Yuan postage could still be delivered to foreign locations provided they could reach Canton (before 14th October 1949) or Hong Kong. The Meihsien cover below together with the nine other foreign airmail covers in this collection are examples of Hong Kong used as the hub for airmail forwarding to foreign locations. Despite Canton being included in the routing, it could not provide airmail service until 1st February 1950. The international airmail letters on the next seven pages were affixed with the proper Silver Yuan foreign airmail postage which was Internationally recognised and all airmail carriers were obliged to deliver. ​ 盡管航空郵業務自1949年初開始逐漸減少,但銀元郵資航郵信仍可以寄往國外,只要它們能到達廣州(10月14日解放日 之前)或香港。以下九個寄外國的航空郵封,都是以香港作為寄國外航郵封之樞紐的實例。雖然廣州也在航線之列,但 它在解放後至1950年2月1日以前無法提供航郵服務。在接下來的九個國際航郵封上, 均貼有國際認可的相應的國外航郵銀 元郵資, 所有航空公司也必須運遞。​


3128 由梅縣寄出的外國封 Foreign Mail from Meihsien

Mailed on 8th November 1949 from Meihsien (49.08.15), 11th November via Swatow (49.10.24), 16th November arrived in Hong Kong for forward air delivery to Seattle; affixed with three Domestic Unit and one 40 fen Summer Palace; the total value 55 fen was the International airmail rate. The skipping of Canton (even after the insurrection of the two aviation companies) suggested Canton could not provide airmail service at that time. Until 1st February 1950, Hong Kong was the hub for forwarding international airmails​ 1949年11月8日寄自梅縣 (49.08.15), 11月11日經汕頭 (49.10.24), 11月16日經香港轉往美國西雅圖, 上貼國內平信單位票3枚頤 和圓4角一枚,相等於國外航空郵資55分,此信是從汕頭不通過廣州,直接寄往香港而轉寄美國,寓示著當時廣州已無法 提供航空服務。由1949年10月14日直到1950年2月1日,香港是中國大陸國際航空郵件的轉運中心。​ HK$ 15,000 - 18,000


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