(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3004 杭州十日金圓郵資, 1949年五月四號到十四號, 第二期金圓當銀圓用 10 Days of Gold Yuan Postage in Hangchow, May 4 to 14, 1949 - Part 2 Silver Yuan Postage with Gold Yuan Payment Effective 30th April 1949, in the Kuomintang controlled areas, the Nationalist Post office changed to Silver Yuan postage. In the absence of Unit and Basic stamps, postage could be paid in Gold Yuan at the prevailing exchange rates. Such rates varied daily (or even hourly) and from location to location. 自1949年4月30日起,在國民黨控制區,國民郵局改為銀元郵資。在沒有單位和基本郵票的情況下,郵資可以按現行匯率 以金元支付。 這種費率每天(甚至每小時)和從一個地點到另一個地方變化。 A cover mailed from Hangchow on 14th May 1949, affixed with Gold Yuan stamp total value 300,000. At that time Hangchow Post Office (Military Control Commission) had adopted Silver Yuan postage. The exchange rate on May 14 was one Silver Yuan equaled to Gold Yuan 7,500,000. The Silver Yuan 4 fen Domestic Surface postage would therefore be Gold Yuan 300,000. The cover also indicates the last day of “Hangchow 10 days” the Military Control Commission followed the Kuomintang Controlled Areas policy of adopting the Silver Yuan postage. Bear in mind, five days ago (Lot 3003 the Hsiaoshan cover of 9th May 1949) the postage for domestic mail was only Gold Yuan 1,500. The switch to Silver Yuan postage would represent an overnight 200 times increase in postage This cover is also one of the three recorded physical evidence of adopting Silver Yuan Postage with Gold Yuan Payment in the newly liberated Areas. 所示的實寄封是1949年5月14日由杭州寄紹興,貼金元郵票總值三十萬,當時杭州郵局採用國統區的銀圓郵資,在杭州金 銀對換率為 銀元一元等於金元七百五十萬,三十萬等於銀圓四分,符合當時國統區國內平郵銀圓郵資。此封也顯示在 “ 杭州十日”期內最後一天,軍管會採用銀元郵資,要注意的是五月九日的䔥山信封國內郵資只是金圓1500,五天後當轉為 銀圓郵資後金圓郵資竟然是三十萬元相等於200倍的增加!此信封是解放區內採用銀㘣郵資而可用金圓支付的三件物證之 一。​ HK$ 20,000 - 22,000


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