(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy
3010 上海解放次日 The Day after Shanghai’s Liberation
A cover mailed from Shanghai on 28th May 1949. Arrived in Tientsin on 11th June (liberated on 15th January). It was franked with one revenue stamp surcharged as a 4 fen basic currency stamp, consistent with ordinary mail postage at the time. On 27th May 1949, Shanghai was liberated. This letter was mailed on the second day of Shanghai’s liberation. 所示的實寄封是1949年5月28日由上海寄, 6月11日抵天津 (1月15日解放) ,貼印花稅票改作基數郵票4分1枚,符合其時平信 4分資費。1949年5月27日上海解放,是上海解放第二天使用。 HK$ 12,000 - 15,000
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