(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3018 By June 1949, the People’s Liberation Army was in complete control of the postal routing downstream Yangtze River as indicated

by the two covers both affixed with one Kiangsi Domestic Unit stamp (rate 4 fen) from Nanchang 可佐證從49年6月解放軍己元全控制長江下游郵路的一對封 -兩封都是從南昌寄, 上貼江西平信單位票​

A Cover sent from Nanchang 6th June 1949, arrived in Fowliang 25th June 1949 (49.04.29) 南昌 49.06.06 抵達浮梁 49.06.25 (49.04.29)​

HK$ 3,000 - 4,500


3019 A Cover sent from Nanchang 49.07.30th July 1949, arrived in Shanghai 4th August 1949 (49.05.27) 南昌 49.07.30 抵達上海 49.08.04 (49.05.27) HK$ 2,800 - 3,000


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