(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3024 利川湖北基數封 Lichwan Hupeh Basic Stamp Cover ​ 14th November 1949 from Lichwan (49.11.06) to Kweilin, franked with two Hupeh 10 fen Basic stamps and Hwa Nan Basic stamp 1 fen and 4 fen one each. Total value 25 fen on cover was equivalent to express registered rate. ​ 1949年11月14日從利川 (49.11.06) 寄桂林, 上貼湖北基數10分兩枚, 華南基數票4分,1分各1枚, 郵票總值25分相等於掛號快遞 郵資。​ ​ There are only seven Hupeh Basic Stamp covers recorded and this is the only post liberation cover.​ 湖北基數實寄封有記錄存世的只有七件,而此封為唯一解放後沿用。​ HK$ 70,000 - 85,000


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