(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3026 湖南 Hunan ​ On August 4, 1949, the commander of the KMT 1st Army Corps, Chen Mingren and Hunan Governor, Cheng Qian, announced his defection by cable. Consequently, Changsha Area (North Hunan) was peacefully liberated on that day. ​ 1949年8月4日國民黨軍第一兵團司令陳明仁和原湖南省主席程潛通電宣布起義, 當天長沙一帶和平解放。​ ​ Changsha (49.08.04) Day of Liberation Cancellation. 長沙 (49.08.04) 解放當日郵戳​

HK$ 2,000 - 2,500


3027 Liusiang (49.07.18) a small town which was liberated earlier than Changsha, The Chinese character “代” indicates that Liusiang is an agency counter (kiosk), the lowest level of post office.​ 瀏上(49.07.18) 一個比長沙更早解放的湖南小鎮 , “代” 是最低層次的。​ 16th August 1949 mailed from Liusiang, arrived in Changsha on 30th August. Franked with one Hunan Basic stamp 1 fen and one Revenue Surcharged as 4 fen. Total value 5 fen was Domestic postage rate. 1949 年8月16日從瀏上寄,1949年8月30日抵達長沙. 上貼湖南基數票1分一枚, 印花改基數4分一枚, 總值5分, 相等國內平信郵 資.​ HK$ 11,000 - 14,000


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