(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3029 長沙”貨幣投機” 口號封 Changsha “Stop Currency Speculation ” slogan Cover ​

The KMT currency speculators engineered tremendous monetary difficulties in the newly liberated areas. For instance, in the first week of June in Shanghai, the conversion of one Silver Yuan soared up 10 times to 2000 RMB. This Currency Slogan cover indicates Changsha area also faced a similar problem.​ 國民黨特務在各解放區內故意以髙價收購銀圓,導致物價狂升,以上海為例,六月第一週,銀圓/人民幣對換率,竟然從 二百上升至二千,這“嚴禁貨幤投機”口號封,可佐證湖南解放區也撞到同樣困難。​ ​ A cover mailed from Changsha on 9th September 1949 and arrived in Hangkow on 12th September bearing “Changsha 長(辛) 沙” Gold/Silver Yuan Domestic Postage Paid Handstamp (DPP) to indicate the payment of the 5 fen Domestic rate. Although Silver Yuan was allowed, the Military Control Commission encouraged the use of RMB and franked a “Refuse to use Silver Yuan; Support Renminbi” slogan chop on cover. This cover demonstrates the post liberation use of the earliest Gold Yuan DPP. 9th September is the last recorded use of this DPP.​ 所示的實寄封是1949年9月9日,由長沙寄, 九月12日抵送漢口,上蓋金圓時代國內平信郵資己付,” 長(辛)沙” 郵戳, 當時國內平信郵資銀圓五分,該郵戳至今發現最早使用日期為1948年10月3日,長沙是在1949年8月4日和平解放,此封是 解放後沿用,而1949年9月9日也是 “長(辛) 沙 “至今發現最後使用日期。雖然當時解放區接收銀元, 但軍管會鼓勵使用人民 幣, 所以該封上蓋 “拒用銀元 擁護人民幣” 。 ​ HK$ 25,000 - 30,000


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