(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy

贛南 South Kiangsi

Southern Kiangsi, such as Kanchow and Wanan, was liberated during the Battle of Kanchow in August 1949.​江西南部地區如贛 州、萬安是在1949年8月贛州戰役期間解放。​


3032 封同貼江西單位票一枚, 相等國內平信郵資 Franked with one Kiangsi Domestic Unit stamp equivalent to Domestic rate ​ 12th August 1949 (49.08.08) from Wanan, arrived in Hangchow on 23rd August (49.05.03), 8月12日從萬安 (49.08.08) 寄, 8月23日 抵達漢口 (49.05.16)​ HK$ 11,000 - 13,000


3033 萬安解放當日實寄封 Wanan Day of Liberation Cover ​

A letter mailed from Wanan on 8th August 1949 and arrived in Shanghai on 20th August. Franked with a Kiangsi Domestic Surface Unit stamp, which was consistent with the surface mail postage at the time. 8th August 1949 was the day of liberation of Wanan. This cover is therefore one of the rare liberation day covers and the only Wanan Liberation Day Cover recorded.​ 所示的實寄封是1949年8月8日由萬安寄,8月20日抵達上海 (49.05.27), 上貼江西平信單位票1枚, 符合當時平信郵資。萬安於 1949年8月8日解放,所以這是罕見的解放當日封, 也是唯一的萬安解放當日封。​ HK$ 15,000 - 20,000


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