(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy
3038 A cover mailed to Foochow from Hushih on 8th September 1949. It was franked with a diagonally bisected 10,000-yuan revenue stamp overprinted as a 1-jian (10 fen) Basic stamp thus creating a 5 fen stamp, which was further manually overprinted with a No.4 Standard Style Chinese character font “Hu” using a wooden seal. The postage was 5 fen then. It arrived in Foochow on 12th September, after Hushih had been liberated. The letter was delivered by the People’s Posts. 所示的實寄封是1949年9月8日由笏石寄福州,貼印花稅票1萬元加蓋1角基數郵票,斜角對剖(右下角)作5分,另蓋4號 楷體 “笏” 字木戳,符合其時平信5分郵資,同年9月12日到達福州。其時笏石已經解放,屬人民郵政沿用。
HK$ 2,200 - 2,500
3039 30th August 30 1949 a cover mailed from Sienyu (49.08.23), 5th September arrived in Foochow (49.08.17). Affixed with one Revenue surcharged 4 fen and one Fukien Basic 1 fen. The 5 fen total value on cover was the domestic surface postage rate. 所示的實寄封是1949年8月30日從仙游 (49.08.23) 寄,9月5日到達福州 (49.08.17), 上 貼印花稅票加蓋4分,福建基數1分各一 枚, 符合國內平信郵資。 HK$ 8,000 - 10,000
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