(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy

意外地銀元與人民幣相符的郵資的一對封 The Pair that Coincidentally Agreed Silver Yuan and RMB Postage​ ​ From October 15 to 31, a few post offices in Canton sold Unit stamps at the exchange rate of Silver Yuan 5 fen to RMB 100. This was also the Silver Yuan/RMB postage rate for domestic and Hong Kong/Macau surface mail rate at that time. Both covers were affixed with one Domestic Unit stamp; equivalent to Domestic rate.​ 1949年10月15至31日,廣州有幾家郵局依然以銀元5分或人民幣100元出售平信單位郵票,剛剛好,那時的國內平郵和寄 往香港/澳門郵資,正是銀元5分或人民幣100元。這兩封都上貼平封單位票1枚,等於國內平信郵資。​



3064 Mailed on 24th October 1949 from Canton (49.10.14), 5th November arrived in Shanghai (49.05.27)​ 廣州10月24日寄,11月5日抵達上海 ​

HK$ 8,000 - 10,000

3065 Mailed on 25th October 1949 from Canton (49.10.14) 10月25日由廣州 (49.10.14) 寄往香港​

HK$ 7,000 - 8,000


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