(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


隨着遼瀋、淮海、平津三大戰役的勝利,長江以北己全屬中共,49年1月21日蔣介石引退總統職位, 李宗仁就任代总統,以便國共兩黨和談。期間在2月3日,中华邮政总局发布了試办通邮的通令,人 民政府和邮政部门則积極予以配合,但是,这种局部通邮的办法毕竞有很大的局限性., 三月下旬双 方各派代表討論、談判,而于4月15日达成全面正常通邮协議,但南逃廣州的国民在4月27日决議停 止国共通邮。国民黨在4月20日拒絕了 [国內和平协定],和談破裂,解放軍在4月21日啟動渡江戦役, 第二、第三野战軍百万雄師渡作战,与此同時,第四野战軍之第十二兵团向九江以西一帶进攻,5 月27日上海解放,渡江戦役也隨著解放軍佔領了皖南、蘇南、浙江、贛北、武漢而結束,本邮集內 在渡江戰役所解放的地區 , 稱为华東区。

The situation before the commencement of Silver Yuan Postage/ East China

Since the victory of Liao Shen, Hwei Hai and Ping Tsin (the Three Major Battles), the entire territory of North of Yangtze was taken over by the Communist. On January 21, Chiang Kai Shek stepped down from the Presidency of China and Li Zhongyen became the Acting President to allow the peace talk between KMT and the Communist Party. When the talk fell apart, on April 21, PLA commenced the Battle of Crossing the Yangtze, which ended on May 27, with the fall of Shanghai. For the purpose of this collection, areas occupied by the PLA during the battle-i.e. South of Anhwei and Kiangsu, North Kiangsi, Wuhan, Chekiang and Shanghai are called East China.


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