(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3084 成都解放後的平靜 The Peacefulness in the newly liberated Chengtu ​ Displayed below is a letter written by a grandfather in Chengtu to his grandchildren in Canada.​ Here is how he describes the newly liberated Chengtu: -​

“We were officially liberated last Saturday and there was a great influx of armies, all orderly and peaceful................Our work has not been interfered with and they assure us as long as we attend to our own affairs, we will be permitted to carry on.............. ​ This is the first opportunity we have had to send mail out, and mail just commenced to come in” ​ 一個在重慶的祖父寄給他在加拿大孫兒女們的信,描述解放後成都的情景。​ “星期六我們正式解放,大批軍隊,整整有條、和平地,湧入市內........我們的工作並不受到干擾,他們保証只要我們安份 守己,就可以繼續工作 ......郵局營運如常,這是我們的首郵”​ ​ Double international rate (for 40 gm) 4th January 1950 posted from Chengtu (49.12.27) to Canada.​ 25分國際雙倍(40克) 平信郵資,1950年1月4日寄身 成都50.01.04 (49.12.27) 往加拿大。​ HK$ 18,000 - 25,000


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