(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy

Peiping, East China 北平、华東区


3000 沿用起源 - 北平九日 The Beginning – 9 Days in Peiping​ ​

By January 1949, Peiping and Tientsin were under siege. On January 15, Fu Zuoyi KMT’s Commander of North China was frightened by the news that the strong defense of 130,000 troops in Tientsin were wiped out by the PLA within 29 hours. To avoid further bloodshed, on January 21, Fu signed the Agreement of Peaceful Liberation of Peiping, which included provisions permitting conversion of Gold Yuan into RMB and the uninterrupted postal and telecom services. Peiping was peacefully liberated on January 13, 1949. Upon taking over the post offices to ensure an uninterrupted postal service, the Military Control Commission (temporary government in newly liberated areas) announced on 1st February the continuation of Gold Yuan postage for 9 days (i.e. up till 9th February)​ 1949年一月,華北地區除北平、天津己被解放軍佔領,一月十五日,解放軍在29小時內,殲減了國軍部隊13萬人,解放 了天津,迫於無奈傅作義將軍於一月二十一日和林彪元帥簽定了北平和平解放協定,該協定主要條件包括:金圓卷可兌 換人民幣,保證郵電服務不斷,這兩條件軍管局在其他的解放區都必採用。北平在1月31日和平解放,軍管會接收了北京 地區郵局後,而為了保證郵政服務不斷,容許採用金元郵資九天, 即2月1目至9日。​ ​ A cover posted from Peiping on 7th February, 1949 and arrived in Tientsin on 17th February. Affixed with a Gold Yuan 50 fen stamp which was consistent with the Domestic postage at that time, and also 7th February was within the “Peiping 9 Days’​ 此​封於1949年2月7日從北平發布,於2月17日抵達天津。 貼有金元50分郵票,與當時的國內郵資一致,也是2月7日在“北 平九日”內。

One of the six recorded post liberation Peiping Gold Yuan covers during the 9 days period.​ “北平九日” 封存世只六件

HK$ 17,000 - 20,000​


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