(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3099 “綿竹” 加蓋-雙重解放當日實寄封 Overprint “Mienchu”- The Double Days of Liberation Cover​ ​

A cover mailed fromMienchu on 14th December 1949. It was franked with a 5-fen stamp with a “Mienchu” cancellation, consistent with ordinary mail postage at the time. According to “The Liberation Dates of Places Nationwide”, Mienchu was liberated on 14th December 1949. This letter would have been mailed on the day that the city was liberated. The letter arrived in Chengtu on 27th December, the day Chengtu was liberated. (Assuming the former date to be correct then the cover was sent on Mienchu’s liberation date and arrived at the liberation of Chengtu.). “Mienchu” covers are already very rare. Compounding this with the fact that both the dispatch and receipt dates were days of liberation must be qualified as unique. This cover was in the collection of the renowned Japanese philatelist, Meiso Mizuhara. As the saying goes, “a treasure always comes from a master.” Moreover, the “Illustrated Stamp Catalogue of China” written by Shiu-Hon Chan, has never recorded a used stamp with a “Mienchu” cancellation.​ 所示的實寄封是1949年12月14日由綿竹寄,12月27日抵達成都,貼5分郵票加蓋 “綿竹” 局名二字,符合當時平信資費。如 按《全國各地解放日期》,綿竹於1949年12月14日解放, 該封是解放當日使用。同年12月27日到達成都,此時正值成都 解放當天,” 綿竹 “己屬罕見, 投遞和收信日期都巧合地為解放當日, 可稱絕品, 此封原為日本大藏家水原明窗先生所藏, 正是 “珍品出名門” 。另外,據陳兆漢先生著的《中國郵票圖鑒》局名加蓋中,未見 “綿竹” 地名加蓋。​

HK$ 45,000 - 50,000


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