(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy
3104 自昆明達開封 From Kunming to Kaifeng
Mailed on 23rd January 1950 from Kunming; arrived in Kaifeng in February; affixed with one Unit stamp, which was 5 fen domestic postage. 1950年1月23日寄自昆明 (49.12.09), 2月抵達開封 (48.10.24): 上貼單位票一枚符合國內平信郵資。 There are only four recorded Silver Yuan postage covers sent from Yunnan liberated area to North China. 從雲南解放區寄往華北的銀元實寄封, 存世不足四件. HK$ 19,000 - 22,000
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