Alcalá View 1985 2.4

Xmas party

Safety Tsunamis capable of great damage

All fu ll-time emp loyees are invited to a holiday re- ception at Casa de Alcala , the home of President and Mrs. Author E . Hughes , during the after- noon of Thursday, Decem- ber 19. Employees should refer to the invitation they will receive soon for the ex- act time of the reception . Those p lanning to attend are asked to complete and send to the President's Of- fice the RSVP card e n- closed with the invitation . If you learn of a full-time employee who does not re- ceive an invitation please call the Public Relations Office, ext. 4296 . • New staff Raul Candelario , gar- dener, Physical Plant; An- nabella DeGuzman , secretary, School of Educa- tion ; Tamara Groves , senior secretary, Develop- ment; Audrey Hardesty , secretary, Law School; Ka- ren Johnson , secretary, Career Counseling; David Martin , administrative as- sistant, Development; Wil- liam Pike , patrol officer, Security : Janet Presley , clerk , Bookstore: Philo- mena Stein , secretary, Arts & Sciences ; Chris- tine Toby , c lerk, Law School. •

By Bill Munz E arthquakes can gen- erate what is known as a tsunami- a gi- ant wave-that can reach g reat heights and travel great distances. A tsunami usually is the result of an earthquake oc- curring beneath the ocean floor. The giant wave is ex- tremely dangerous to coastlines. It has been esti- mated that should a tsu- nami hit the West coast, the following could result: A 50-foot tsunami could bring loss of 600,000 lives.

than a million lives. A tsunami is often incor- rectly referred to as a "tidal wave.' ' Over the years, a number of tsunami warn- ings have been issued for the Southern California coastline. However, no ma- jor tsunami has hit the coastline. Anytime a tsu- nami warning is issued, DO NOT go to the beach, for obvious reasons. Below is a map showing the major fault lines in San Diego County, as well as in adjoining counties. •

A 100-foot tsunami could result in a loss of more

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