Occupational Therapy 2018 - online 031318


Kielhofner’s A Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application, 5th Edition Renée R. Taylor

Throughout the book, readers will see a client-centered approach used to explore what motivates each individual, how they select occupations and establish everyday routines, and how environment influences occupational behavior. The 5th Edition continues to deliver the latest in MOHO theory, research, and application to practice and adds much that is new, including new case studies that show how MOHO can address the real-life issues depicted and expanded resources that enhance teaching and learning. 978-1-4511-9034-2 / 568 pp / 200 illus / Mar 2017 / £49.50 €57.00

Occupational Therapy in Action: A Library of Case Studies Dianne M. Trickey-Rokenbrod

This much-needed book provides a decision-making framework, the Case Development Protocol, to help students integrate treatment concepts and apply theory and sound clinical judgement to dozens of Occupational Therapy cases representing clients of all ages in a range of clinical setting. Scores and qualitative information from the book’s unique Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Survey helps instructors and students gauge where further training is required and provides guidance on cases from the book that

will provide the maximum skill development for each student. 978-1-4963-1028-6 / 240 pp / 55 illus / 2016 / £53.00 €63.00


Clinical Pathways: An Occupational Therapy Assessment for Range of Motion & Manual Muscle Strength, 1st Edition Gail Dadio & Jerilyn Nolan

Clinical Pathways, an exciting first edition, helps students learn how to proficiently conduct range of motion (ROM) and manual muscle (MMT) assessment for the main joint structures of the body. Focusing heavily on clinical application, the text also provides a novel, OT-focused “Clinical Pathways of Assessment” model that connects physical assessment with a clinical decision-making process. This model helps students develop the skills to effectively evaluate a client through an occupational profile and performance. 978-1-4963-8778-3 / 464 pp / Mar 2018 / £68.00 €80.00


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