KMP PrF UK 2013-2016

ŠTURMA, P., Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters. In: Jaewan Moon, M. Tomášek et al., Law Cros- sing Eurasia. From Korea to the Czech Republic. RWW Science & New Media: Passau-Berlin-Prague, 2015, s. 271-277. ŠTURMA, P., Responsibility of States: State of play and the way forward. In Anuario Português de Direito Internacional 2013, Lisboa, 2015, s. 95-102. ŠTURMA, P., BÍLKOVÁ, V., Damages for the infringement of human rights – the Czech Republic. In Baginska, Eva (ed.), Damages for Violations of Human Rights. A Comparative Study of Domestic Legal Systems. Sprin- ger: Berlin, 2015, s. 25-42. ŠTURMA, P., Mezinárodněprávní souvislosti odškodňování. In: J. Kuklík a kol., Jak odškodnit holokaust? Pra- ha: Karolinum, 2015, s. 44-57. ŠTURMA, P., Back to the ILC’s Legislative History: Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind. In: Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, Vol. 6, 2015, s. 37-45. ŠTURMA, P., The work of the International Law Commission in 2015, business as usual? In: Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, Vol. 6, 2015, s. 375-385. ŠTURMA, P., Územní změny a sukcese států v mezinárodním právu. In: P. Šturma (ed.) a kol., Mezinárodní právo a státní území. Studie z mezinárodního práva č. 7, Praha: PF UK, 2015, s. 27-48. ŠTURMA, P. Ohlédnutí za životem a internacionalistickým dílem profesora Antonína Hobzy. Právník, č. 1, 2016, s. 3-11. ŠTURMA, P., TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ, Z. (eds.), Imunity v mezinárodním právu, Praha: ČSMP, 2016. Bílková, V., Kysela, J., ŠTURMA, P. (eds.) a kol., Lidská práva a výjimečné stavy. Praha: Auditorium, 2016. ŠTURMA, P., Goodbye, Maffezini? On the Recent Developments of Most-Favoured-Nation Clause Interpre- tation in International Investment Law. The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (LAPE), vol. 15, 2016, s. 81-101. ŠTURMA, P., State Succession in Respect of International Responsibility, The George Washington Internatio- nal Law Review (GWILR), vol. 48, 2016, No. 3, s. 653-678. ŠTURMA, P., The International Law Commission at the End of Quinquennium: an Exceptional Session and Positive Results, Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, vol. 7, 2016, s. 437-450. ŠTURMA, P., How to limit immunity of State officials in relation to grave violations of human rights? Between the definition of official acts and exceptions. ESIL Conference Paper Series, vol. 8, Conference Paper No. 14/2016, 15 s. Prof. Hofmannová HOFMANNOVÁ, M. European Court of Human Rights Decides about Space Comminication. In: Šturma, P., Faix, M. (eds.), Lidskoprávní dimenze mezinárodního práva: Liber Amicorum Stanislava Hýbnerová. Studie z lidských práv č. 7, Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Právnická fakulta, 2014, s. 131-142. HOFMANNOVÁ, M. Artikel 9, Allgemeiner Teil (with G. Rautz) In: R. Hofmann et all. (eds.), Rahmenüberein- kommen zum Schutz nationaler Minderheiten, Nomos 2015, 292-304. HOFMANNOVÁ, M. Central and Eastern European Member States of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. In: A. von Bogdandy, Pàl Sonnevend (eds.), Constitutional Crisis in the Euro- pean Constitutional Area, Hart 2015, 15 pp. HOFMANNOVÁ, M. Vladimír Mandl (together with Vladimír Kopal) In: S. Hobe (ed.), Pioneers of Space Law, Brill 2013, s. 59-69. HOFMANNOVÁ, M. The Right of Indigenous Peoples to Use their Own Language. In: Pocta Josefu Blahožovi, Právnická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2013, s. 25-41. HOFMANNOVÁ, M. (ed.), Dispute Settlement in the Area of Space Communications, Baden – Oxford: Nomos / Hart, 2015, 202 pp. HOFMANNOVÁ, M. (ed.), International Regulations of Space Communications: Current Issues, Bruxelles: Lar- cier, 2013, 220 pp. HOFMANNOVÁ, M. (ed.), Harmful Interference in Regulatory Perspective, Baden-Baden: Nomos/ Ashgate, 2015, 266 pp.


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