
Project and Report Ideas

Pirate Bios Write a report on the life of one of the following pirates: Henry Jennings, Edward Teach, Mary Read, or Anne Bonney. Tell how he or she influenced the history of the Bahamas. “Top Ten” Time Line Using the chronology in this book, create an illustrated time line to hang in your classroom that displays what you believe are the 10 most important dates in the histo- ry of the Bahamas. Be ready to defend your choice of dates to your classmates and teacher. Travel Brochure Create a travel brochure for the Bahamas. Include one national park, two major cities, and at least three islands in your brochure. Provide maps and activity guides for your readers. Maps •Choose one of the islands of the Bahamas and create a detailed map that shows its bays, towns, cities, elevation variances, and vegetation. •Create a map that includes as many of the Bahamas islands as possible. •Research the Mercator projection, a type of map that depicts the globe as a flat surface. Write a paragraph that explains the benefits and drawbacks of this type of map. (Hint: Note the size of Greenland in comparison of South America.).


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