Financial and accounting information 2017 Consolidated financial statements

Theoretical tax expense was reconciled with current tax expense using a tax rate of 34.43% in 2017 and 2016, and can be analyzed as follows: (inɸ€ millions) 2017 2016 Net income 1,625 1,352 Less: Share in net income of equity-accounted companies 33 36 Income taxes (438) (416) PRE-TAX INCOME OF CONSOLIDATED COMPANIES 2,030 1,732 French tax rate 34.43% 34.43% Theoretical tax expense at French tax rate (699) (596) Impact of different tax rates 161 161 Asset impairment, capital gains and losses and anti-trust provision (37) (8) Deferred tax assets not recognized (10) (75) Liability method 98 67 Research tax credit, tax credit for competitiveness and employment (CICE) and value-added contribution for businesses (CVAE) 9 5 Costs related to dividends* 31 (5) Other taxes and provision writebacks 9 35 TOTAL INCOME TAX EXPENSE (438) (416) Including the cancelation of the 3% tax on dividends in 2017. * Changes in deferred tax rates in certain countries led the Group to recognize an income tax gain of €98 million in 2017 (€67 million gain in 2016). The main contributors to this item are the United States and France. In view of the late adoption of US tax reform, some impact assessments remain to be completed during the first half of 2018. The residual impact is however expected to be limited. The impact of the tax on repatriated profits of foreign subsidiaries is not material in view of the limited number of foreign operations owned by Saint-Gobain’s US entities. The contribution of countries with low tax rates explains the impact of the different tax rates applicable outside France. The main contributors are Poland, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Norway. Deferred tax 10.2. Deferred taxes are recorded using the balance sheet method for temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities and their tax basis. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability settled, based on the tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period. No deferred tax liability is recognized in respect of undistributed earnings of subsidiaries that are not intended to be distributed.

For investments in subsidiaries, deferred tax is recognized on the difference between the consolidated carrying amount of the investments and their tax basis when it is probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred taxes are recognized as income or expense in the income statement, unless they relate to items that are recognized directly in equity, in which case the deferred tax is also recognized in equity. Income tax resulting from changes in tax rates is recognized in income, except when it relates to items initially recognized in equity. In the balance sheet, changes in the net deferred tax liability break down as follows:

Net deferred tax asset/(liability)

(inɸ€ millions)

AT JANUARY 1, 2016

871 (91)

Deferred tax (expense)/benefit

Changes in deferred taxes relating to actuarial gains and losses (IASɸ19) Liability method on actuarial gains and losses



Translation adjustments

29 (9)

Impact of changes in Group structure and other

AT DECEMBERb31, 2016


Deferred tax (expense)/benefit


Changes in deferred taxes relating to actuarial gains and losses(IASɸ19) Liability method on actuarial gains and losses*



Translation adjustments


Impact of changes in Group structure and other


AT DECEMBERb31, 2017 511 The liability method on actuarial gains and losses mainly concerns the United States. *

The table below shows the main deferred tax components: (inɸ€ millions) Dec.b31, 2017 Dec.b31, 2016 Pensions 562 846 Brands (425) (474) Depreciation and amortization, accelerated capital allowances and tax-driven provisions (711) (887) Tax loss carry-forwards 633 765 Other 452 575 NET DEFERRED TAX 511 825 Of which: Deferred tax assets 938 1,188 Deferred tax liabilities (427) (363) Deferred taxes are offset at the level of each tax entity, i.e., by tax group where applicable (mainly in France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, the United States and the Netherlands). Deferred tax assets of €938 million were recognized at December 31, 2017 (€1,188 million at December 31, 2016), primarily in the United States (€245 million), Germany (€203 million) and France (€161 million). Deferred tax liabilities of €427 million were recognized at December 31, 2017 (€363 million at December 31, 2016), including €144 million in the United Kingdom, €52 million in India, €50 million in Switzerland, and €41 million in Denmark.



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