Additional information and cross-reference tables CSR information

2010-2025 and 2014-2016 objectives b) The Group has set medium-term objectives, up to 2025, based on the 2010 results. To achieve them, intermediate objectives are established for a three-year period. The baseline year for the intermediate objectives is the year prior to the period start. The current period 2017-2019 therefore uses 2016 as its base year. Based on the results for the baseline year, every three years the Group updates the scope of “concerned sites” for which environmental results are tracked for the next three years (2011-2013/2014-2016/2017-2019/2020-2022/2023-2025). The published results for this scope therefore have a comparable scope for the three years within the period: sites closed or sold are removed from current year and baseline year, but no acquisitions are taken into account. They are included in the subsequent period. In addition, for the indicators tracking environmental objectives, results are published using comparable production to the baseline year. This means that 2014-2016 emissions and consumption are recalculated based on 2016 production.

Progress achieved over these five three-year periods (between 2010 and 2025) will be cumulated to assess whether the 2025 objectives have been achieved based on the 2010 results. Data consolidation c) The EHS reporting protocol is available in French and English. The EHS reporting process (both monthly and annual) involves three stages: data input, performed by the EHS correspondent(s) at the „ reporting unit concerned; data verification, by the EHS Directors of each Sector; „ data consolidation by the Group’s EHS Department „ management. Difficulties and limitations d) Since the launch of the Group’s reporting tools, the quality of the reports has continuously improved thanks to effective feedback and better use of the systems by the specialized teams. These factors allow the Group to prevent potential errors such as differences in units of measurement between businesses and countries, and difficulties in interpreting technical terms.



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