10 Additional information and cross-reference tables CSR information

Appendix List of the CSR Information considered to be the most important Quantitative social Information: Total number of employees per socio-professional „ category Total workforce, and workforce by gender (male/female) „ Average number of training hours per employee and per „ year in nine countries (Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, North America, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom) Absenteeism rate „ Number of employees having subscribed to the Group’s „ Savings Plan Ratio of lost-time accidents involving Group employees, „ temporary workers and contractors to the number of hours worked by Group employees, temporary workers and contractors (TF 1 ) Ratio of declared accidents with or without absence from „ work involving Group employees, temporary workers and contractors to the number of hours worked by Group employees, temporary workers and contractors (TF 2 ) Number of fatal accidents of Saint-Gobain employees, „ temporary workers and contractors. Qualitative social Information: Training policy „ Gender equality policy and measures taken in favor of „ gender equality. Recruitments by gender (male/female) „ Departures by gender (male/female) „

Energy use per type of energy „ Water input (withdrawn) per type of source „

Water discharges quantities (total, into surrounding „ environment, into municipal wastewater collection system) Total amount of waste generated „ Amount of hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and „ non-recovered waste Production (Net saleable production). „ Qualitative environmental Information: Circular economy : Actions aiming to reduce the amount „ of waste produced and to facilitate recycling, reuse, and other forms of waste recovery and disposal; Climate change: main sources of greenhouse gas „ emissions generated by company activities, as well as by the use of the goods and services produced by the company.

Quantitative societal Information: Saint-Gobain Foundation Initiatives : „

Number of projects received; „ Number of projects approved ; „ Number of projects supported; „ Funds granted for the projects. „

Subcontracting and suppliers: Number of suppliers „ (distribution and non-distribution) audited (initial audits).

Qualitative societal Information: Prevention of corruption; „ Vigilance plan; „

Territorial, economic and social impact of the company „ activity in terms of employment and regional development; Partnerships and sponsorships. „

Quantitative environmental Information: Direct and indirect CO 2 „

emissions coming from energy and

raw material consumptions NO x emissions


SO 2




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