Additional information and cross-reference tables Cross-reference tables

CROSS-REFERENCE TABLES 3. Cross-reference table for the Registration 3.1 Document For the convenience of readers of this Registration Document, the following table provides an index to the main disclosures required by Annex 1 of European Commission (EC) Regulation No. 809/2004. Contents of Annex I of European Commission (EC) Regulation No.b809/2004 Pages 1 Person responsible 317 2 Statutory Auditors 318 3 Selected financial information 6-9, 96

4 Risk factors 4.1 Legal risks


4.2 Industrial and environmental risks 4.3 Credit and/or counterparty risk

77-79, 183, 199

184, 186, 256-257, 261

4.4 Operational risks 4.5 Liquidity risks


185, 255, 282-283 185-186, 255-256

4.6 Market risks

4.7 Interest rate risk 4.8 Currency risk

185, 255, 261, 282-283 185-186, 256, 261, 282-283 186, 256, 261, 282-283 183, 186, 256, 261, 282-283

4.9 Equity and other financial instrument risks

4.10 Raw materials risk

5 Information about the issuer 5.1 History and development of the Company, legal information

17, 312

5.2 Investments

50-52, 96-107, 114, 221-222, 227-228, 234, 251, 280

6 Business overview 6.1 Principal activities 6.2 Principal markets

6-9, 18-19, 22-48, 50-61

6-9, 22-48, 50-51

7 Organizational structure 7.1 Brief description of the Group 7.2 List of major subsidiaries 8 Property, plants and equipment 9 Profits and financial overview 10 Liquidity and capital resources 10.1 Information on capital

6, 39, 43, 47, 283, 308

267-270, 297-298

18-19, 33, 39, 43, 45, 245-246, 278, 284

9, 96-106, 220, 228-232, 257, 276-277, 283, 310

219, 223, 263-264, 279, 288-291, 308

10.2 Cash flow

221-222, 280

9, 185-186, 209, 211-214, 255-263, 291, 293-295, 308-309

10.3 Information on borrowing conditions and financing structure

10.4 Restriction on use of capital


10.5 Expected financing sources that will be required in order to meet the commitments referred to at 5.2 and 8.1


11 research and development, patents and licenses

8, 33-34, 39-45, 47-48, 58-62, 107

12 Trend information

107 N/A

13 Profit forecasts or estimates

14 Administrative, management and supervisory bodies and senior management

14-16, 124-146


15 Remuneration and benefits

147-172, 235-242, 300

16 Board and management practices

124-125, 133-146

17 Employees 17.1 Workforce, jobs, training and labor relations

7-8, 18-19, 80-87, 235, 300

17.2 Shareholding of company officers in the issuer’s capital and stock options 17.3 Arrangements for involving the employees in the capital of the issuer

152-153, 157-158, 162, 166-171, 240-242, 288-290

86, 207-208, 239-240, 290

18 Major shareholders

9, 207-208

134, 154-156, 159, 164-165, 175-180, 206, 249-250, 295

19 Related party transactions

20 Financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities, financial position and profits and losses


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