Additional information and cross-reference tables Cross-reference tables

Cross-reference table for the Annual Financial 3.2 Report For the convenience of readers of the Annual Financial Report, the following table provides an index to the main disclosures required by Article L.451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. Information required in the Annual Financial Report Pages Statement by the person responsible for the Annual Financial Report 317 Management report ArticleɸL.225-100-1 of the French Commercial Code Analysis of the Company’s operations „ 2-9, 18-19, 50-62, 64-91 Analysis of results „ 6-9, 96-122, 220, 228-232, 257, 276-277, 283, 310 Analysis of financial position, including debt „ 9, 96-106, 185, 211-214, 234-235, 255-262, 291, 293-295, 310 Principal risks and uncertainties „ 77, 182-189, 255-257, 261, 282-283 Indications of the financial risks associated with the effects of climate change and the „ measures taken to reduce them 75-79, 110 Main characteristics of the internal control and risk management procedures relating to the „ preparation and handling of accounting and financial information 200-201 ArticleɸL.ɸ225-102 of the French Commercial Code Employee shareholding „ 171, 207-208, 239-240, 289-290 ArticleɸL.ɸ225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code Social and environmental information, societal commitments „ 7-8, 11-13, 18-19, 65-67, 70-71, 73-93, 108-122, 321-330 ArticleɸL.ɸ225-211 of the French Commercial Code Company buyback of treasury shares „ 205-206, 223, 263-264

ArticleɸL.ɸ225-37 et seq. of the French Commercial Code Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance: composition and functioning of the Board of Directors „ remuneration of the management and governing bodies „

14, 124-146, 312-316

147-172, 235-236

general management procedures „

137 124 209 313

adherence to a code of corporate governance „

aspects that may have an effect in the event of a public offering „

special procedure for shareholders’ participation in the Shareholders’ Meeting „

Summary table of the Delegations currently valid granted by the shareholders’ General Meeting „ to the Board of Directors with regard to an increase in capital


agreements and regulated commitments „

154-156, 159, 164-165, 175-180

Statutory Auditors’ special report on the financial statements and agreements and regulated commitments Statutory Auditors’ report on the Board of Directors’ report on corporate governance



Financial statements Annual financial statements

276-303 304-307 218-270 271-275

Statutory Auditors’ report on the annual financial statements

Consolidated financial statements

Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements

Statutory Auditors’ fees




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