TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake


SOUND like from a skull that breaks under the blow from a heavy stone. it is followed by SILENCE. THE STONE COLLECTOR’S WIFE takes the stone from THE LANDLADY’s hand.

THE STONE COLLECTOR’S WIFE the first stone found my head ...

THE STONE COLLECTOR’S WIFE turns the stone around so for the first time we see its other side. it is soaked with dark, dried blood, a patch of skin and hair stuck to its rough surface. she falls into the arms of the THE LANDLADY and THE MAID.

THE STONE COLLECTOR is overcome with the pain of the memory of having killed his wife, he falls down on his knees, tugs at his hair.

THE STONE COLLECTOR oh, I saw her seek comfort in another man’s strong embrace, I saw him touch her hair with tenderness ...


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