
Author/ISBN or Product Code

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Krakowski 978-1-4963-2238-8

The Scar Book: Formation, Mitigation, Rehabilitation and Prevention

5 US$159.99 £128.00 €148.00

6 US$109.99 £74.00 €86.00

Aldeen 978-1-4963-4326-0

Aldeen and Rosenbaum’s 1200 Questions to Help You Pass the Emergency Medicine Boards, 3e

Ciesielski 978-1-4963-4632-2

Washington Manual® General Internal Medicine Consult, 3e

7 US$59.99 £39.99 €46.00

Biller 978-1-4963-2695-9

Practical Neurology, 5e

8 US$114.99 £77.00 €89.00

Chi 978-1-4963-4002-3

Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 7e

9 US$259.99 £182.00 €211.00

Hecht 978-1-4963-6026-7

Spine Injuries in Athletes

10 US$159.99 £107.00(t) €128.00(t)

11 US$399.99 £267.00 €320.00

Stoller 978-1-4963-1828-2

Stoller’s Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Knee Package: Print Edition Packaged with Stoller Lecture Videos and Stoller Notes

Lautenbacher 978-1-4963-3213-4

Pain in Dementia

12 US$96.00 £77.00 €89.00

Hoda 978-1-4963-0725-5

Rosen’s Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy, 4e

13 US$239.99 £170.00 €197.00

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