22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2018 Newsletter

September Newsletter

Ducklings We have been very physical in Ducklings. The children have enjoyed using the climbing blocks to learn to balance and walk across with and without support! They have been chasing their friends through the tunnel and up and down the climbing frame steps and slide! The Ducklings have been exploring different ways to kick or throw a ball and have started to pass them to each other and are learning to share their resources! The Ducklings have shown an interest in shape sorters and inset boards recently and are becoming very good at matching up the right pictures! We have also had a lot of time in the big garden and have been riding the big bikes, digging with diggers and trucks in the sand and making all sorts of creations in the mud kitchen! The children have also discovered that the slopes in the garden on the artificial grass make for amazing slides that they can access freely! Finally, the children have been continuing their Settle Visits to their new Goslings room and are doing amazing! We always hear glowing reports from the Goslings team who have been making lovely bonds with their new key children!


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