USD Men's Basketball 1996-1997

A great assist when you really need one. (Rogaine is medically proven to regrow hair.)

If you 're losing the fight against hair loss, ROGAINE can put you back in the game. ROGAINE has been medically proven to regrow hair. Use it just acouple of minutes twice aday and it can actually grow new hair while helping to keep the hair you have. In only four months. You see, ROGAINE goes to the root of your hair and gets it to grow. No wonder it's been used by 4 million people worldwide. It's the only one doctors prescribed for men and women so you can be sure it's safe to use every day. And now it's available without a prescription. So score a comeback. With ROGAINE.

Rogaine. The only product

proven to regrow hair. Also available for women.


©1996, Pharmacia & Upjohn Consumer Healthcare

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