USD Men's Basketball 1996-1997


Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Reina Mr. & Mrs. John H. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N . Rocha Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rodee

Mr. & Mrs. Kent N. Baker Ms. Linda K. Balogh

Mr. David J. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Filz.enger

Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Barnhard Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bartholomew Hal & Barbara Brodigan Mr. & Mrs. Elf1llltMel Bugelli • Mr. & Mrs. Cltarla C Carwo, Jr. • Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Castro Connecticut Mutual Life Foundation James S. Copley Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bruso

San Diego InternaJional Sports Council* Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Hand

Mr. Duane Rudzinski

Mr. James L. Hitzelberger Mr. & Mrs. Carmi Hodge Mr. & Mrs. Fon C. Johnson

Mr. Ron Staab

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Usher Mr. Mark L. Veals Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Walsh Mr. Michael J. Whitmarsh

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Kojis Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Larch-Miller Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Lewis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McDonough Mesa Distributing Co., Inc.• Mr. & Mrs. James E. Munyon Ms. Louise Pasterczyk Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Pietras Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Pope Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Pradels Professional Trade Shows, Inc.• Mr. & Mrs. John D. Prunty

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wightman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wojdowski *

Sr. Maureen Cronin

Dr. & Mrs. William P. Curran, Jr.• Mr. & Mrs. John Dahlen•

*Denotes donors that gave gifts of $1,000 or more.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Davis Dr. Mark J. Delsman Mr. Kenneth W. Doyle Dr. & Mr. Paul D. Engstrand Equifax, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Erke

To join the Torero Athletic Fund: Simply select a membership level, complete and return the following form with your check to Brian Fogarty, Director of Ath– letic Development, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110-2492. Name: _________________ _ Mailing Address:

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: I. TOREROS ($25-$99) SportsLine newsletter, program recognition, and invitations to special events and receptions. VARSITY CLUB (Sl00-$249) Same as above. ALL-AMERICANS ($250-499) Same as above plus: Media Guide (upon request) COACHES cmCLE ($500-$999) All of the above plus: Donor memento, Fair Mlct Value $10 DIRECTOR'S CLUB (Sl,000-$2499) Same as above plus: Seating Priority for Sports Arena Contest. FMV $10. SILVER TOREROS ($2500-$4999) Same as above plus: One Sports Banquet Ticket. FMV $110. GOLDEN TOREROS ($5000+) Same as above plus: One additional Sports Banquet Ticket. FMV $210. II. III. IV. V. VI.




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Program Recognition: YES : □

NO : □

VII. XL Please make checks payable to USD Men's Basketball. Torero Athletic Fund Giving Options: I. ($25 -$99) 0 V. ($1000-$2499) 0 II. ($100-$249) 0 VI. ($2500-$4999) 0 III. ($250-$499) 0 VII. ($5000+) 0 IV. ($500-$999) 0 The lnlemal Revenue Code allows you to deduct the difference between your contribution and the fair market value of any benefit, service, or expectation ofeither as a charitable contribution. If you want to deduct your full contribution, check the box above, sign, date and return this form and we will indicate on your records your selection. You will be carried as a member of the Torero Athletic Fund but you will NOT receive the entitlement for benefits corresponding to your contribution level. Signature: ________________ Date: _ _ ______ ___ _ _ For further information, contact Brian Fogarty at (619) 260-4803. All checks payable to USD Basketball. □ Yes, I want a full charitable contribution and will forego all benefits. Shirt Size: S M L

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