

Victorian Branch update

Emily Lowther is drinking coffee in one of Perth’s busy cafés on a Saturday afternoon as though she has all the time in the world to relax and watch the world go by, but she doesn’t. In August this year, she is off to Michigan, USA, to start her PhD – with a fully funded PhD scholarship that covers tuition, living expenses and health insurance. And she was offered all of this before she even graduated from her Masters of Speech Pathology in Western Australia. Congratulations Emily, what an amazing opportunity! How did you get this offer? People were starting to prepare for job applications at the end of the year, and I realised I didn’t have quite enough PD (professional development) in my CV because a Masters Degree is so full-on already. I thought I better get some PD under my belt, and around that time the Curtin Stuttering Clinic sent out an email requesting volunteers to assist with data collection for a genetic study. It would be a great way to help out two people I admire [Janet Beilby & Kathy Viljoen]. The Victorian Branch has recently undergone some changes to the branch structure to better meet the needs of Victorian members. Unlike previous years, members can be involved in the working parties on a project-by-project basis, rather than committing for a full 12 months. We are hoping this flexibility will provide the opportunity members are looking for to be involved in SPA Vic Branch on a shorter term basis. In order to get the ball rolling we have commenced working towards some of these key business areas and have developed the following working parties: Lobbying Working Party: With the

temperament, life experiences and DNA spit samples to research stuttering. We had many people who were very generous with their time… and their spit. Basically I labelled 300 spit tubes in my spare time, graduated to a coordinating role, and closely communicated with Shelly Jo in the USA! The spit was worth it then! Tell me a bit more about what your PhD will involve. First year is mainly coursework and building up my dissertation. Also working about 10 hours a week with Shelly Jo on her research projects. I’ll be in the States for at least nine months a year, and then have an opportunity to come home for three months and hopefully be involved with research here. Nine months in the States – do you think you will miss Australia? Summer! I am unlikely to see it for the next four years. I never thought I would miss it with my pale skin, but I’ve been told it will be very cold. Shelly Jo recently sent an email from the USA saying it had warmed up a bit to 1.5 degrees Celsius. It will be a challenge! Victorian State Election planned for November 2014, this working party will be coordinating a Branch approach to highlighting the needs of Victorian speech pathologists and service users. While we recognise that there are multiple issues that affect access to and provision of speech pathology services in Victoria, it is important we approach the election with one key message. This election we will be lobbying for Accountability for how schools use their “Language Support Program” funding . Member Engagement Working Party: In order to better serve our members, this working party will be looking at different ways of engaging Victorian members and establishing effective

A challenge all right! What would back up plan have been if this opportunity didn’t present itself? Hmmm… probably just find work in Perth, or even just do a few years rural with a generalist caseload. I have a problem of liking everything! I wasn’t too fussed. I did consider research. I admit that I like spreadsheets, colour coding and statistics. I thought it would be another few years before I went down that path… after being a student for the last five years. But here I am! So what is the first thing you will do in Detroit? Buy good boots and a good coat! I don’t deal well with cold. I’m just excited to see a new place. And how do you really feel? I would be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t terrified. I am a planner and a preparer, and there are a lot of variables I cannot plan or prepare for. It will be a good learning experience, and I am ready to embrace this adventure! Interviewed by Johanna eppler WA Branch Editor communication processes. It will also be involved in speech pathology promotional events such as Speech Pathology Week in August, the Pregnancy, Babies and Children's Expo in October, functions for graduating students in November, as well as organising networking events (such as social functions and trivia nights). Stay tuned on Victorian Branch working parties and events via the Victorian Branch webpage (via the Information for Members tab on the website). If you would like to become involved in any working parties, please contact Jane-Elise Healey (Victorian Branch Secretary) via email: vic.secretary@ gmail.com .

A new grad’s PhD opportunity in the USA BrANCH NEWS — western australia

We collected data for USA-based researcher Shelly Jo Kraft on

Speak Out June 2014



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